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Deepfakeporn Is Here To Stay

Innovations are everywhere, especially in the technology sector. When they announced the era of artificial intelligence, no one thought that ordinary people would have access to it, especially men. All that brought us an era of deepfake porn on our screens, and it is not at its full capacity.

With deep fake porn, men have gained the power and access to let their imagination run wild, so they get creative with all the different plots and scenarios. And, all that deepfakeporn shit is pointed toward women, and every day, et least one female gets hit by it. Deepfakes porn is slowly starting to be a part of our culture. The women mostly write text, and all their thoughts are aimed at men. But, with the rise of the deepfake porn industry, men use it, and they use it very well, to aim their opinions toward women.

Do you find deepfake xxx porn technology interesting? Because I find porn deepfake fascinating and fun. It is amazing how people in a short amount of time can question everything they have ever seen. With the rise of the deepfake sex industry, it will be hard for anyone who knows what deep fakes porn is to believe it. And, since celebrity deepfake porn is so good, it will be hard to see what is real and what is not. In the past few months, we have seen many video clips of our politicians saying and doing all sorts of things. But, that was not true.

They were manipulated with the celeb deepfakes technology. I hope so because if the scandalous statements are true, then they put real shame on our country. But, the porn industry is most affected by the new technology. Whoever watched the news ten years ago, clearly remembers how it was when the nude photos of Scarlet Johansson were published.

The person behind it was brought to justice, and even though they were not manipulated by the deepfakes xxx technology, still celebrities are the most impacted person. Some years ago, Natalie Portman's face showed up on one of the porn sites in an explicit video for adults. Of course, many people thought that they would finally how the black swan fucks in bed, but to their disappointment, the video was not real, and it was the product of deep fake porno. But, the lovers of deep fake technology also decided to take this movement to a higher level, and they tried their luck in the games, and they got lucky. They created a character that looks like Keanu Reeves, and they have put it in the porn game. So basically, every horny person who wants to play a porn game can have sex with the character of Keanu Reeves.

I think no person in the United States has not heard about the husband of Nancy Pelosi and the drinking and driving incident. In 2019 when she was having her national speech, she looked like she was drunk. And, thank God she was not, but the video of her speech was altered with deep fake technology. The deep fake technology was made to help develop other technologies and to create tools to help people.

But, as always something had to go wrong. And, believe it or not, deep fake has its zones. First, there is a white zone. All people who agree to use deep fake technology on their projects, like the Escape from Chechnya, are considered to go into the white zone. And, the gray zone is reserved for the people who are dead. Since they are dead, there is no consent in this, and there for many organizations fighting against it. These people do not have a voice for anyone, and the industry can not decide for them either. It is unfortunate because many of the characters of the dead people were used for propaganda. This is immoral but one day, someone will get to the bottom of this nonsense. And, then we have the black zone where all the misapplication of deep fake technology lies.

The main problem today is fake news, and unfortunately, they are all around us. When the coronavirus struck, the intensity of the fake news doubled more than ever. We could see how the Prime Minister of Belgium blames the care for the environment as one of the main causes of coronavirus. And, when you add deep fake technology and mix it with the fake news you get a full-blown catastrophe in its full capacity. Even thou deep fake technology is here to help with a lot of social events and to improve the aspects of politics, the majority of the usage of the new artificial intelligence still goes to the porn industry. And, if deep fake technology does not be the end of the porn era, nothing will.

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