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New fashion - wearing a vibrator in public

Do you know what is worst than a plane hijack? When someone hijacks your remote vibrator video. The Internet has its good and bad sides. In the beginning, we saw only the good sides until people started noticing their privacy had been invaded. Anyone with better computer skills could hack your vibrator in public, and make you cum while you are wearing a vibrator in public? Sounds good, right? Well, not so much.

It does sound awesome for someone who doesn't care about their personal information, and no one cares until that information ends up on Internet so the whole world can see it. A kind people who devoted their time to the research of the security of remote controlled vibrator in public have discovered that these toys are full of manufactured mistakes. I will explain to you thoroughly how creators of remote controlled vibrator videos only thought about their asses and profit, and not about the safety of their clients.

The remote vibrator in public is a clever device just like a phone. The remote control vibrator in public has an option to connect it to a mobile phone through Bluetooth. So when your partner connects to the vibrator in public, he can basically control how the toy works. I am deeply sorry, but I have to burst your bubble. Your partner isn't the only one who can control your public vibrator. Any person with an internet connection and solid internet connection, and computer skills can easily access your remote control sex toy in public and use it how they want.

Basically, this all happens because a public remote vibrator comes with the option that is called quick control. The quick control option allows you to send a link to your partner. You can send it via textual message or by email, it doesn't matter, both can be corrupted. So when your partner opens the link to the control of your remote control vibrator porn, it can be intercepted, and used in not so good way. The interception of link for quick controls are increasing at the same pace as the links for remote sex video are created. In other words, the stranger could be in control of your remote control vibrator and not your partner. Not only that, the person could easily access your remote control vibrator through Bloothtoot, so you are not safe however you put it. So imagine, if a normal guy with basic tech skills can do this, imagine what a hacker can do.

But, no need to think with that pretty little head of yours. I will portray yo everything. The remote control vibrators or any other sex toys don't require you to confirm anything. So basically when you send the link, you think it went to your partner, but it might not be as it seems. The main problem is that manufacturers of remote control vibrators have storage for their client's data. It is something like Apple's cloud, but it is not protected at all. Their security is full of flows, and anyone can easily access them because it is literally open for anyone. If this didn't make you shit your pants, well, I think this will.

The person who breaks through their security wall can easily access your data such as passwords, texts you exchanged with someone, your explicit photos, or the person you were texting. It can go beyond that and find your street name. We will not talk about your usernames and passwords because those are pieces of cake for hackers. But, through that information, they can easily access your other data such as information on your credit cards and bank accounts. Do you see where I am going with this?

Some databases are not big, but some have more than a hundred thousand users. Many people all around the United States are reporting the problems with their remote control vibratos. From the information I gathered, the companies are currently working to solve the problem with the security of their databases. But, the remote control vibrators can not be fixed unless you send them back for repair. What we have here is a great irony because you actually purchased a sex toy that can be controlled remotely. But, they are just like every piece of technology, they can not be updated remotely.

So here comes the question. Is hijacking a remote-controlled sex toy a crime? Because this sure is the misapplication of privacy, but who is supposed to be responsible for this? The company or the person who hacked into your remote control toy? In my opinion, both. The companies didn't care enough for their clients to protect their privacy from being intruded upon. They only cared about their profit. You will surely get faster justice from the companies because it takes time to track a find the person who is responsible for your privacy misuse. Before you make the purchase, make sure you are informed about every possible thing when it comes to your privacy. The damage is irreparable and irreversible.

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